

As you may have been aware, most of my blog articles are in Chinese. If you don’t understand Chinese, don’t worry! I will constantly upload English versions of the articles! Please contact me anytime for if you need a specific blog article’s English version, and I will translate that first.

# Harry Qu

📧 Email: Harryqu666@gmail.com 📞 Phone: (+64) 0224074717 🔮 GitHub: HarryQu1229

Check out my personal portfolio here!

# Why create this website?

As a person who entered university with zero programming knowledge 3 years ago, I struggled to understand a lot of things.

  • Why is data structure and algorithms so hard?

  • How did I generate 200 bugs with 2 lines of code?

  • What is cloud computing?


These are just a few of many questions I had at the start of my learning journey.

I have spent countless times searching online to find solutions and tutorials that can guide my learning. There are some very good ones I have found (I plan to develop a website that contains all the reuseful resources I have gathered after school exams, remember to check it out at a later time!), but most sources I found are just messy, inconsistent or simply incorrect. Hence, I have decided to create this blog to share articles about how I studied, how I overcame challenges I met, how certain technology work with the finest details.

With about 1000 hours over the past 2 years of watching tutorials, attending lectures and reading official documents, I ensure you that all articles I wrote are succint, inclusive and accurate.

I really hope this website can help everyone, especially beginners who are in the same shoes as me 3 years ago.

# What to expect?

Please contact me via email or comment below for:

  • any article to be translated to English
  • any article on a certain topic/technology
  • or just come and say hi!

I am still attending school, and have several projects planned ahead, so I might reply back to you late, please be patient with me.

# About me

👨‍🎓 I am Hary, my chinese name is 曲泓霖. Born in Shandong, China and moved to Auckland, New Zealand in 2011.

🏫 Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) degree in Software Engineering at

Univeristy of Auckland.

💻 I am an ambitious, passionate learner who tries to explore different fields and technology stacks to develop website/software solutions for difficult problems.

🎮 I love designing games and playing games (call me for LOL match if you need a support).

🏆 I enjoy going to hackathons and participating in programming competitions (ACM IS MY DREAM!).

My interests are 🎨DESIGN, 📷PHOTOGRAPHY, 🍴COOKING (😋EATING) and 👊COMBAT (I love LesMills!)

# 曲泓霖

📧 邮件: Harryqu666@gmail.com 📞 电话: (+64) 0224074717 🔮 GitHub: HarryQu1229

点 [此处][https://harry-profile-fawn.vercel.app/] 看我的个人简历!

# 为什么做这个博客


天真的我以为一切都和上高中初中一样,正常听听课做做作业就可以度过四年大学毕业了。然而事实确实很多同学都做了很多准备,有的甚至是 10 岁就开始编程。我很快意识到很多内容别的人很快就学会甚至已经会了,而我什么都搞不明白

  • 为什么数据结构和算法这么难?

  • 我只是刚写了两行 code 怎么满篇报错?

  • 云计算是个啥?

  • 这个怎么不运行?这个怎么成功运行了?

这些只是我开始编程以来有的一小部分问题。 学校的又不是听得很懂,无奈我只能去往上找资源。





# 网站未来打算

目前打算是主要会写关于某个语言,框架等编程相关的笔记以及技巧等。 之后会考虑再加其他内容比如设计,编辑,视频剪辑等相关内容。

如果有任何想要了解的工具,主题,问题等等等都可以用右键或者评论区跟我联系。过来加个 wx 打个招呼认识下也欢迎!


# 关于我

👨‍🎓 我叫曲泓霖,英文名 Harry。 出生在中国,在 2011 年来了奥克兰,新西兰

🏫 目前就读于奥克兰大学的软件工程学士学位

💻 热爱于学习各种新科技(工具)以及做能解决困难问题的,有意义的项目

🎮 喜欢设计游戏也喜欢玩游戏 (LOL ddd,王者也可 ddd)

🏆 喜欢参加编程比赛,梦想是 ACM!

兴趣爱好为 🎨设计,📷拍摄,🍴做饭(和干饭)和 👊拳击 (莱美 yyds)
